Friday, December 20, 2013

Fadlallah and Pornography

In this article we will see the perversion of Fadlallah where he allow pornography and respond to his perversion.

Let's see what Fadlallah said.

Q: Is it permissible for a frigid wife or husband to watch pornographic scenes?

A: I don’t think it has been scientifically proven that watching pornographic films is a reliable treatment for frigidity; on the contrary, it often has negative results. Also, morally speaking, this weakens moral immunity, and attaches people, even couples, to a mood of dissolution which makes man feel alienated from his wife when she fails to imitate the woman who plays the sexual role in the film, and makes the wife alienated from her husband if he fails to imitate the male figure.

Similarly, the same thing happens upon fornication. When a man fornicates with an experienced whore, he feels disappointed when his wife fails to offer moves similar to the ones offered by the whore, who has provided him with all elements of excitement. Perhaps this is one among the reasons that have led some jurists to forbid temporary marriage (mutaa) to common prostitutes. So, we believe that the x-rated movies and pornography have a negative impact on the spiritual, moral and family sides of a person; thus, I forbid it for spouses.

But, if a husband or a wife, or both suffer frigidity in the absence of any means of treatment, whether natural- through mutual excitation -or through medication, and if the only treatment is watching pornographic scenes, then this will be permissible, only because this is the only means, keeping in mind that this should be done apart from any excess, just like taking the proper dosage of the medicine prescribed, provided that this passive situation may threaten their matrimonial life.

- Jurisprudence of sex, Fatwa of Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah, Official Website

Also we asked to the Library (Maktaba) of Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah in Arabic.


Date: 18/19 December 2013

Question: What's the ruling to watch pornographic films, for those who suffer sexual dysfunction? And if that was haram, is this human worth discretionary?

Answer: It's not permissible, only if the treatment of his condition depends to watch that drives the instincts without getting carried away by this and going too far, this is for the married one who wants to cure himself, otherwise it's not permissible.

16 of Safar 1435 after Hijrah.

We can conclude that Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah allows watching pornography under certain conditions if the woman is not ready (for relations) for example, and if there are other sexual problems (as mentionned).

At the end it's the same he allows it, some would say that he permitted it by condition the problem is that it is not a matter of life or death to put a condition to make it allowed and it is not based on nothing except his "scientific research" We would love if Fadlallah shows us the evidence because for the moment we look ridiculous in front of others (Don't forget that he banned Tatbir for the same reason).

Now let's see what our Aimah (as) said.

From Abi Ja'far (as) who said: The Prophet (saw) cursed a man who look at the private part of a woman who is not allowed for him, and a man betrayed his brother in his wife,  and a man who needs people to his utility so he asked them for bribery.
(10384) - 14 - عنه، عن بعض العراقيين، عن محمد بن المثنى، عن أبيه، عن عثمان بن يزيد، عن جابر، عن أبي جعفر (ع) قال: لعن رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) رجلا ينظر إلى فرج امرأة لا تحل له ورجلا خان أخاه في امرأته ورجلا يحتاج الناس إلى نفعه فسألهم الرشوة.
- Furu' al-Kafi of Sheikh al-Kuleyni, Vol.5, Page 559

And he (the prophet) forbade for a man to look at the nakedness of his muslim brother and he said who meditation of the nakedness of his muslim brother, cursed him 70 000 angels, and forbade the woman to look at the nakedness of a woman, and forbade to a man to look into his neighbor's house, and said who looked to the nakedness of his muslim brother or the nakedness non-family deliberate, Allah enter him with the hypocrites who were looking for nakedness of muslims and Allah will not remove him from this world until Allah expose him unless he repents.
2- و نهى أن ينظر الرجل إلى عورة أخيه المسلم و قال من تأمل عورة أخيه المسلم لعنه سبعون ألف ملك و نهى المرأة أن تنظر إلى عورة المرأة و نهى أن يطلع الرجل في بيت جاره و قال من نظر إلى عورة أخيه المسلم أو عورة غير أهله متعمدا أدخله الله مع المنافقين الذين كانوا يبحثون عن عورات المسلمين و لم يخرج من الدنيا حتى يفضحه الله إلا أن يتوب
- Bihar al-Anwar of 'Allamah Baqir al-Majlissi, Vol.101, Page 32
- Bihar al-Anwar of 'Allamah Baqir al-Majlissi, Vol.73, Page 331
- Sunan al-Nabi al-Akram of Sayyed Tabatabaei, Page 300
- Man Lahyahdharuhu al-Faqi of Sheikh al-Saduq, Vol.4, Page 9

Now let's see the scholars.

Allamah al-Hilli said:
It is obligatory (Wajib) to hide the private part as the Prophet (saw) said: "Hide (literally protects) your private part, except your wife or what your right hand possesses out of the captives [or slaves]."
and al-Sadiq (as) said : "A man must not look at the private part of his brother."

And the private part is the front and the back, based on the word of al-Kadhim (as) "Private part consists of two private parts: the front and the back."
ويجب ستر العورة لقول النبي صلى الله عليه وآله: (احفظ عورتك، إلا من زوجتك أو ما ملكت يمينك) (2)، وقول الصادق عليه السلام: " لا ينظر الرجل إلى عورة أخيه " (3).
والعورة هي القبل والدبر، لقول الكاظم عليه السلام: " العورة عورتان: القبل والدبر " (4).

Sayyed Khomeini said:
It is necessary in a situation like other situation to cover the private part of the respected viewr as it is a man or a woman even mentally retarded children or mature, as he is not allowed to watch private part of another even if the person is mentally retarded viewed or mature child.
 يجب في حال التخلي كسائر الأحوال ستر العورة عن الناظر المحترم رجلا كان أو امرأة حتى المجنون والطفل المميزين، كما يحرم النظر إلى عورة الغير ولو كان المنظور مجنونا أو طفلا مميزا،

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Fadlullah denies eid al-Ghadeer and the Infallibility of Imams and Prophets

Judge by yourself and you'll understand why the majority of our great Marji' (scholars of Taqlid) are against him.

For the advocates of Fadlallah who say that he said what the disbelievers say, Fadlallah even goes further by answering a question of one of the Tulab al-'Ilm (scholars) at 0:36 of the video who ask Fadlallah "How do you judge that it is Misguidance (Dhalal)" - He answer by saying that it is in his books etc.

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Khariji method of attacking Ali as being a coward !

Let see the video and his (disgusting) word:

Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah say at 1:03 : On the subject that her rib was broken, and this subject is intellectually inconceivable (illogical) why ? Some people will say, "o Sayyed you don't believe in what happened to Fatima al-Zahraa ?" As if it was from the Fundamentals of the religion (Usul al-Din) I would like you that you think with me al-Zahraa is the wife of Ali (as) and she is the deposit of the Messenger of Allah to Ali and she is loved by all the nation (Ummah) [...] It is true than when Ali refused to give allegiance they came and threatened to burn the house and they said, "How do you want to burn the house and Fatima is in?" And this show that the Muslims [He did not finish his sentence] is this reasonable (logic) for you that Fatima daughter of the Messenger of Allah will be burned? They said "So what?" And he said after - (I don't care) if it is true or not true (authentic) that he (Ali) was threatened and did not react - Anyway the important is if they attack Fatima what is the role of Imam Ali? Imam Ali is a coward? All of you are married let say that someone want to attack, beat, or kill [etc] your wife will you stay sitting and say "There is no power, and no strength, except through God the Most High, the Greatest." or will you defend her? If you don't defend your wife what the people will say? This is first, secondly Ali is not the only one in the house, there was people from Bani Hash and it even say that [there was] Zubayr the son of the uncle of Imam Ali. He took up his sword to outside because they were not inside (of the house) and his sword broke - So you let al-Zahraa have her ribs broken, and the other one have his sword broken and another put a nail in her they say a rusty nail as they say (Fadlallah said it with a smile) is this reasonable ? Think about it.

Sayyed Murtadha al-Shirazi answer him at 4:05 : The one that deny the story of attacking the house of the Siddiqata al-Zahraa (as) and her being beat with what clear and authentic proof (does he do it) ? With the reason and the connection ? He say that Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as) had a great and valuable courage [etc] so how can he agrees (accept) with what happen to his wife being beaten in front of him ? He deny all the historical story with an "emotional" proof. So what do you say of the Prophet (saw) ? The Prophet did not see while he was in Meccah that the muslims are being despised and tortured? And that Somaya the woman is being tortured? The Prophet used to come [...] so the prophet is (God forbid) a coward and have no courage? He could have take his sword and kill them, he was more courageous than hundreds of people. [...] The Prophet did not see that the muslims, women and men being tortured in Meccah? Why did the Prophet did not interfere, why did he command (the people) to have patience, do you not see that there is alot of people to attack and you choosed to attack Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as) ? The commander is commanded to have patience, he got a recommendation from his brother that this world is only to test you. [...] Is this true that everything is to Allah ? Yes sure, why does Allah see muslims in jail and until know in some country of the west. In the time of Musa and Hajjaj the women were not tortured? They would open their bellies (with knives), they would attack their honour, why did Allah not interfere? [...] And you find only Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as) to attack ? If a person think he will know that this world (Duniah) is only a test, an exam. [...] Propets would see things like that and not react because it is from the exterior aspect of the world it is only a test and Ali was like that if he wanted to kill them, he would have killed all of them. But the word stay, "This world is the world of test, of trial." [...] Because it was the command of the Messenger of Allah, this is the advise that he got.

First, we see that Fadlallah compare our Pure and Infallible Imam to simple human that do mistake and don't control theirselves like us and this is truly the Qiyas (analogy) of Sunnism.

Second, he use the same claim was the Wahabi to deny this by saying that "Ali was a coward because he did not react."

Third, he mock what happened and even smiles and laugh about it.

Fourth, he don't see this as important to our religion, and attack those who talk and think about it.

Fifth, he say that the Messenger of Allah and Ali are coward because they did not take out their sword (as the claim of the Khawarij and the Zaydis) and they had to do it.

Finally we can conclude that Fadlallah was not academic and his way was not the one of a scholar (unlike Sayyed Murtadha al-Shirazi) because he preferred emotions before the evidence as women and we can clearly see that what happened was a trial from Allah and that they don't act as us.

What happened to Fatima (as) is not important

Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah say at 0:21 : "This subject is not important for me and it is not from the important subject it does not concern me that some people say "Her rib is broken. etc" [...] It is only a history thing."